

$ /usr/local/squid/bin/squidclient mgr:info 
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: squid/3.1.11
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 08:11:23 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Expires: Wed, 25 May 2011 08:11:23 GMT
Last-Modified: Wed, 25 May 2011 08:11:23 GMT
X-Cache: MISS from www.example.com
Via: 1.0 www.example.com (squid/3.1.11)
Connection: close

Squid Object Cache: Version 3.1.11
Start Time:	Mon, 16 May 2011 06:49:21 GMT
Current Time:	Wed, 25 May 2011 08:11:23 GMT
Connection information for squid:
	Number of clients accessing cache:	4
	Number of HTTP requests received:	2547738
	Number of ICP messages received:	0
	Number of ICP messages sent:	0
	Number of queued ICP replies:	0
	Number of HTCP messages received:	0
	Number of HTCP messages sent:	0
	Request failure ratio:	 0.00
	Average HTTP requests per minute since start:	195.3
	Average ICP messages per minute since start:	0.0
	Select loop called: 437095182 times, 1.790 ms avg
Cache information for squid:
	Hits as % of all requests:	5min: 61.8%, 60min: 61.0%
	Hits as % of bytes sent:	5min: 40.4%, 60min: 42.5%
	Memory hits as % of hit requests:	5min: 31.5%, 60min: 27.0%
	Disk hits as % of hit requests:	5min: 63.0%, 60min: 63.6%
	Storage Swap size:	1666204 KB
	Storage Swap capacity:	16.3% used, 83.7% free
	Storage Mem size:	32112 KB
	Storage Mem capacity:	99.0% used,  1.0% free
	Mean Object Size:	70.19 KB
	Requests given to unlinkd:	1294844
Median Service Times (seconds)  5 min    60 min:
	HTTP Requests (All):   0.00179  0.00179
	Cache Misses:          0.12783  0.12783
	Cache Hits:            0.00000  0.00000
	Near Hits:             0.05331  0.02899
	Not-Modified Replies:  0.00000  0.00000
	DNS Lookups:           0.00000  0.00000
	ICP Queries:           0.00000  0.00000
Resource usage for squid:
	UP Time:	782522.292 seconds
	CPU Time:	4312.465 seconds
	CPU Usage:	0.55%
	CPU Usage, 5 minute avg:	0.83%
	CPU Usage, 60 minute avg:	0.86%
	Process Data Segment Size via sbrk(): 45404 KB
	Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
	Page faults with physical i/o: 4
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
	Total space in arena:   45536 KB
	Ordinary blocks:        45063 KB    621 blks
	Small blocks:               0 KB      0 blks
	Holding blocks:           632 KB      2 blks
	Free Small blocks:          0 KB
	Free Ordinary blocks:     472 KB
	Total in use:           45695 KB 99%
	Total free:               472 KB 1%
	Total size:             46168 KB
Memory accounted for:
	Total accounted:        40064 KB  87%
	memPool accounted:      40064 KB  87%
	memPool unaccounted:     6103 KB  13%
	memPoolAlloc calls: 726738428
	memPoolFree calls:  739325233
File descriptor usage for squid:
	Maximum number of file descriptors:   1024
	Largest file desc currently in use:     25
	Number of file desc currently in use:   14
	Files queued for open:                   0
	Available number of file descriptors: 1010
	Reserved number of file descriptors:   100
	Store Disk files open:                   1
Internal Data Structures:
	 23766 StoreEntries
	  1291 StoreEntries with MemObjects
	  1288 Hot Object Cache Items
	 23738 on-disk objects
